| Troubleshooting | |
| |
Symptom | Probable Cause | Action | |
The machine does not | The printer driver selected for | Check the printer name selected. | |
start printing although | printing is not compatible with the |
| |
the print job was com- | printer controller. |
| |
pleted on the compu- |
| |
The network cable, parallel cable, | Check that the cable is connected | ||
ter. | |||
| or USB cable is disconnected. | properly. | |
| |
| An error has occurred in this ma- | Check this machine’s control | |
| chine. | panel. | |
| |
| A print job is queued in this ma- | Check the job order on the Active | |
| chine, delaying printing. | Jobs list of the machine’s control | |
| panel. | |
| |
| “Save in User Box” was selected | Check if the print job is stored on | |
| for the print job. | the Box screen of this machine’s | |
| control panel. | |
| |
| “Secure Print” was selected for | Check if the print job is held on the | |
| the print job. | Secure Print User Box screen of | |
| this machine’s control panel. | |
| |
| If the account track settings have | Enter the correct department | |
| been applied, an unregistered de- | name (or password). | |
| partment name (or password) |
| |
| may have been entered. |
| |
| |
| If the authentication settings have | Enter the correct user name (or | |
| been applied, an unregistered | password). | |
| user name (or password) may |
| |
| have been entered. |
| |
| |
| Available computer memory | Perform a test print to check | |
| space is not sufficient. | whether printing is possible. | |
| |
| The connection of this machine to | Consult with the network adminis- | |
| the network is not yet established | trator. | |
| (while connecting to a network). |
| |
| |
| The enhanced security mode may | Specify the authentication set- | |
| be enabled on this machine. | tings in the enhanced security | |
| mode. For details, consult with | |
| the network administrator. | |
If the problem persists after all of these procedures have been performed, read the User’s Guide [Copy Operations].
C252 |