DTV Channel Management | 1 |
Press STNH\WRVHOHFW&KDQQHO0DQDJHPHQW Press X key to enter the Channel Manager submenu.
Press STNH\WRVHOHFW&KDQQHO2UJDQL]HU Press X to enter the Channel Organizer screen.
Select a channel using ST keys and use the colored buttons on the remote control to organize the listed channels:
•Press [Red] to set the selected channel as a Favorite.
•Press [Green] to Delete the selected channel.
•Press [Yellow] to Skip the selected channel.
•Press [Blue] to enter a password to lock the selected channel.
Press X to enter the Channel Sorting screen.
Press WXST and [PLAY] to set your preferences for sorting channels using the three Options provided:
•Sort by
•Sort Alphabetically— All, A to Z, or Z to A. Select All to display all available channels.
ViewSonic | 24 |