Chinese Expert |
6.8 Speech-While-Scanning
Every time a character has been recog- nized, WorldPenScan will pronounce that character in Mandarin.
1.Click Settings icon on the World- PenScan toolbar.
2.On the General tab select None or Speak in the Sound area.
6.9Property Settings
In the Property Settings page, you can select Scan Mode, Content or Orientation. Select Scan & Recognize, it will scan and display text on your computer. If you select Send Image, it will display the scanned im- age to your computer.
Select Content to change settings ap- propriate for the type of text being scanned. The software supports Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English or Numbers. Select the ap- propriate conditions for higher accuracy.
Note: The Recognition Language must match the language of the content for optimal ac- curacy.
Note: The Content setting accords with the Recognition Language setting to display the supported settings.