NEC NDA-30007-003 manual Database Requirements, Create, Build, Process

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Chapter 3 Database Requirements

Conference Room Scheduler Installation Guide

Database Requirements

Chapter 3 Database Requirements

Conference Room Scheduler requires three databases (i.e., Conference Room, Employee Identification, and Reservation). Two of these databases need to be constructed and thereafter maintained through the APM; the third database (i.e., Reservation) is built by Conference Room Scheduler itself while it is running. Databases are created through the Database Administration option on the APM System Administration Menu. Database creation involves the following 4-step process for each of the two required databases:

Step 1 – Create

Step 2 – Build


Step 3 – Create


Step 4 – Process












Definition File

Database File


Definition File



1.Create a Master Definition File: This step involves creating the master defini- tion file that defines the fields in the master database file. Generally one master definition file parents databases for several applications. Conference Room Scheduler, however, requires two separate sets of files, one for the conference room data and one for the employee identification data.

2.Build a Master Database File: This step involves entering data (e.g., confer- ence room numbers and number of people accommodated) into the master da- tabase fields that were just defined in Step 1.

3.Create an Application Definition File: In this step, a definition file is created which defines how data from the master files is to be converted to meet the needs of Conference Room Scheduler. The database names in the application configuration file (crminfofil and crmidfile) must be used for these definition file names.

4.Process the Application Database: In this step, the Master Database input is converted to database files according to the definitions created in Step 3, using the Process/Install Application Databases option on the APM Database Admin- istration menu. When the Process command is activated, data is drawn from the master database and converted to the formats specified in the corresponding ap- plication definition file. The Install command is then activated to enable Con- ference Room Scheduler to access the database.

NDA-30007 Revision 3.0

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Contents NEC America, Inc AN OPEN APPLICATION INTERFACE OAI INSTALLATION GUIDECONFERENCE ROOM SCHEDULER NDA-30007-003 Revision January Stock #NEC America, Inc LIABILITY DISCLAIMERCopyright Page TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 2 - Application Configuration Chapter 1 - IntroductionThis Page Left Blank Conference Room Scheduler Installation GuideApplication Configuration Software InstallationChapter Database RequirementsApplication Configuration ASSET MASTER INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTSMat Assignments ChapterStep 1 - Application Characteristics Both Components Chapter 2 Application ConfigurationConfRoomSch ConfRoomSchRpt Step 2 - Primary Configuration Parameters Both Componentsmake no entry MessageStep 3 - Facilities ConfRoomSch only Step 4 - Secondary OAI Configuration Parameters ConfRoomSch onlyConfRoomSch User-defined Parameters Step 5 - User-Defined Parameters Both ComponentsConfRoomSch Rpt User-defined Parameters Conference Room Scheduler Installation Guide Step 1 - Create Chapter 3 Database RequirementsStep 2 - Build Step 3 - CreateConference Room Database Information InstructionsFile Refer to Step 5 - User-Defined Parameters Employee Identification Database InformationBoth Components on page 6 for sorting This Page Left Blank Chapter 4 MAT Assignments Manual, the NEAX2400 IMS Job Specification Manual, and the NEAX2400IMS Programming Manual AKYD COMMAND Assignment of Dterm Function Key AOKC COMMAND Assignment of OAI Key CodesScheduler communication with Conference Room Scheduler This Page Left Blank Conference Room Scheduler Installation GuideMAT Assignments Page