8. Saturation
This feature allows you to adjust the vividness of printouts. The default setting is Standard.
Option | Description |
Most | Makes printouts very vivid. |
More | Makes printouts slightly more vivid. |
Standard | No saturation adjustment |
Less | Makes printouts slightly duller. |
Least | Makes printouts very dull. |
9. Date
You can print the shooting date in the bottom right area of a printout. You can choose a date formatting style from the list below. The default setting is None.
Option | Description |
None | Prints with no date information. |
yyyy.mm.dd | e.g. 2003. 05. 18 |
mm.dd.yyyy | e.g. 05. 18. 2003 |
dd.mm.yyyy | e.g. 18. 05. 2003 |
54Printing Directly from a Memory Card