observe these lights
INSTALLATION (continued)
| Automatic Transfer |
| & |
| Transfer | |
Transfer Switch | Transfer Switch | Control | |
Connected | Connected | Retransfer | Transfer |
To | To | Delay | Test |
Normal | Emergency | Bypass | (15HOLDSECONDSFOR ) |
| operate |
| this switch |
Normal | Emergency |
Source | Source |
Accepted | Accepted |
Figure 1-13. Standard controls and indicators.
3 – Electrical Operation
This procedure checks electrical operation of the ATS.
Be sure to close all enclosure doors
before proceeding to prevent personal injury
in case of electrical system fault.
Transfer Test
The ATS should still be bypassed and isolated. Both normal and emergency sources must be available and the emergency source generator (if used) must be capable of being started; put engine starting control in automatic position. The Transfer Switch Connected to Normal light and the Normal Source Accepted light should be on.
1.Turn Isolation Handle clockwise about
2.Perform steps
■Black square means light is on.
❐White square means light is off.
3.Turn the Isolation Handle clockwise until it stops (about 6 or 7 turns). The CONNECTED light should come on, TEST light off. Remove the Isolation Handle and store it inside the enclosure on the carriage frame on the right side.
4.Turn the Bypass Handle clockwise to the AUTO- MATIC POS position. The Bypass Switch CLOSED ON NORMAL light should go off.
This completes the Functional Test of the ATB. The genera- tor’s starting control should be left in automatic position.
The Transfer Switch Connected
1to Normal and Normal Source Accepted lights should be on.
Turn and hold Transfer Control switch clockwise to Transfer
2Test until the engine starts and runs (within 15 sec.). The Emergency Source Accepted light should come on.
Transfer switch will operate to the Emergency position after Feature 2B time delay. The
3Transfer Switch Connected To Emergency light should come on and Load Connected to Normal light goes off.
Transfer switch will operate back to Normal position after Feature 3A time delay. For im- mediate retransfer turn Transfer
4Control counterclockwise to Retransfer Delay Bypass. The Transfer Switch Connected To Normal light should come on; Transfer Switch Connected to Emergency light should go off.
5(unloaded running engine cool- down). The Emergency Source Accepted light should go off.