The printer must have its Power light illuminated to receive data. If the light is not on, press the Power button.
The CD Color Printer III can be used with virtually any Macintosh application program. This is accomplished by installing what is called a “printer driver.” The printer driver is simply software which gives the printer all the information needed for printing. Use the following steps to install the printer driver.
NOTE: This section of the Operator’s Manual assumes that you are already familiar with a Macintosh Operating System (OS) and know how it operates. If you are not yet familiar with a Macintosh OS, consult the appropriate documentation to become familiar with the basics before proceeding.
1.After starting your Macintosh, insert the supplied Printer Software CD into your computer’s
2.Click on the READ ME file(s) to get the latest information on the driver and the installation process. When you are finished reading, select Quit from the File menu.
CD Color Printer III Installer
Install CD Color Printer III Driver
Install Color Matching Software
4.When the Installer window appears, select the options you would like the installer program to install. In most instances, the default selections will suffice. For a description of each of these options, refer to the notes found in the box directly above these options (use the up and down arrows to scroll through the notes). Once the desired options are selected, click on Install. The
Using the CD Color Printer III with Macintosh 27