Philips 190P6ES manual End-of-Life Disposal, Information for UK only

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Regulatory Information

Aus ergonomischen Gründen wird empfohlen, die Grundfarben Blau und Rot nicht auf dunklem Untergrund zu verwenden (schlechte Lesbarkeit und erhöhte Augenbelastung bei zu geringem Zeichenkontrast wären die Folge).

Der arbeitsplatzbezogene Schalldruckpegel nach DIN 45 635 beträgt 70dB (A) oder weniger.




End-of-Life Disposal

Your new monitor contains materials that can be recycled and reused. Specialized companies can recycle your product to increase the amount of reusable materials and to minimize the amount to be disposed of.

Please find out about the local regulations on how to dispose of your old monitor from your local Philips dealer.

(For customers in Canada and U.S.A.)

This product may contain lead and/or mercury. Dispose of in accordance to local-state and federal regulations.

For additional information on recycling contact (Consumer Education Initiative)


Information for UK only




This apparatus is supplied with an approved moulded 13A plug. To change a fuse in this type of plug proceed as follows:

1. Remove fuse cover and fuse.

2. Fit new fuse which should be a BS 1362 5A,A. S.T.A. or BSI approved type.

3. Refit the fuse cover.

If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket outlets, it should be cut off and an appropriate 3-

file:///D/My%20Documents/dfu/A9/china/190p6/safety/regs/regulat.htm (12 of 13)2005-07-20 6:30:27 PM

Image 62
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190P6ES specifications

The Philips 190P6ES is a versatile 19-inch LCD monitor that combines performance, aesthetics, and eco-conscious technology, making it an exemplary choice for both professional and personal use. This model is particularly noted for its application in office environments, thanks to its wide array of features that enhance productivity and ease of use.

One of the standout features of the Philips 190P6ES is its clear and vibrant display. With a native resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels, it offers sharp text and detailed images, making it suitable for various tasks such as document editing, graphic design, and data analysis. The monitor employs an advanced TFT LCD panel that ensures consistent colors and wide viewing angles, allowing users to view content comfortably from different positions.

Additionally, the Philips 190P6ES is designed with ergonomic considerations in mind. It supports height adjustment, tilt, and swivel capabilities, enabling users to customize the monitor's position for optimal viewing comfort. This flexibility is essential for reducing eye strain and maintaining a healthy posture during extended work sessions.

Connectivity options are another strong point of the Philips 190P6ES. The monitor includes various input ports, including VGA and DVI-D connectors, allowing for easy connection to multiple devices. This versatility means users can switch between computers or laptops with minimal hassle, streamlining their workflow.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Philips 190P6ES is equipped with energy-saving technologies that comply with various green standards. The monitor features a low power consumption design, and its Auto Eco Mode adjusts the brightness based on the surrounding lighting, further contributing to energy conservation.

The monitor's design is sleek and modern, with a thin bezel that maximizes the screen real estate while giving it a contemporary look. Its minimalistic aesthetic makes it an attractive addition to any workspace, complementing today's minimalist design trends.

Finally, the Philips 190P6ES comes with various display settings and color calibration options, ensuring that users can customize their viewing experience according to their preferences. Whether for extensive gaming, professional graphics work, or everyday tasks, this monitor provides the performance and versatility that users demand. In summary, the Philips 190P6ES is an excellent display solution that harmonizes functionality, design, and energy efficiency, making it a worthwhile investment for any user looking for a reliable monitor.