Local Unit Configuration Commands
On dual access systems, a Local console user can lock out the Remote console (see Local Console Commands, page 41). There are two commands for configuring this feature from the Remote console:
Command | Key Sequence |
Local Unit Initial Hot Key | <F7> |
For Local unit firmware versions ‘S50’ and above only
(all ServSwitch Brand CATx KVM Extender Series and CAT5 KVM Extender Series with Audio/Serial)
To disable the Remote console (and start a Private mode session) a Local console user must press an initial ‘hot’ key followed by <Scroll Lock>. By default, the initial ‘hot’ key is <Right Control> but this can be changed to <Left Control> from within Command Mode. The setting is stored in EEPROM.
To toggle the Local unit initial ‘hot’ key, enter Command Mode and then press <F7>. The console automatically exits from Command Mode after you use this command.
Local Unit Scroll Lock Key Mode | <F5> |
For Local unit firmware versions below ‘S50’ only
(for example, ACU1009A, ACU1006DRA, and ACU3009A)
In firmware versions earlier than ‘S50’, a Local console user can disable the Remote console (and start a Private mode session) simply by pressing <Scroll Lock>. An initial ‘hot’ key is not required. In these cases, the Scroll Lock key is not passed to the CPU.
From within Command Mode, you can restore normal Scroll Lock operation. This disables the Private mode feature on the Local console.
To toggle between Private mode and normal Scroll Lock key operation on the Local console, press <F5>. The setting is stored in EEPROM. The console automatically exits from Command Mode after you use this command.
On the Remote console, the Scroll Lock key will always function as normal. However, the Scroll Lock LED is used to show Private Mode status. If the Scroll Lock key is assigned to Private Mode (default), then the Remote console’s Scroll Lock LED will not light when <Scroll Lock> is pressed.