1.1Command Summary
The following table summarizes the ‘hot’ key command sequences used in system configuration and video tuning on a Remote unit console.
Command Mode
Enter Command Mode | <Left Control> + <Left Shift> + <F10> |
Exit Command Mode & Save | <ESC> |
Exit Command Mode Without Save | <Left Control> + <ESC> |
Video Channel Selection
Select Channel For Adjustment | <1>, <2> |
Select BOTH Video Channels | <0> |
Assisted EQ
Next Assisted EQ Setting | <Left Control> + <Page Up> |
Previous Assisted EQ Setting | <Left Control> + <Page Down> |
Reset EQ & Delay Values | <Left Control> + <Home> |
Reset EQ Values | <Left Control> + <End> |
LF/HF Equalization
Increase LF Equalization (Coarse) | <L> + <Up Arrow> |
Increase LF Equalization (Fine) | <L> + <Right Arrow> |
Decrease LF Equalization (Coarse) | <L> + <Down Arrow> |
Decrease LF Equalization (Fine) | <L> + <Left Arrow> |
Increase HF Equalization (Coarse) | <H> + <Up Arrow> |
Increase HF Equalization (Fine) | <H> + <Right Arrow> |
Decrease HF Equalization (Coarse) | <H> + <Down Arrow> |
Decrease HF Equalization (Fine) | <H> + <Left Arrow> |
Quick Skew
Toggle RED Delay (19nS) | <Left Control> + <R> |
Toggle GREEN Delay (19nS) | <Left Control> + <G> |
Toggle BLUE Delay (19nS) | <Left Control> + <B> |
Delay (Skew)
Increase RED Delay | <R> + <Right Arrow> |
Increase GREEN Delay | <G> + <Right Arrow> |
Increase BLUE Delay | <B> + <Right Arrow> |
Decrease RED Delay | <R> + <Left Arrow> |
Decrease GREEN Delay | <G> + <Left Arrow> |
Decrease BLUE Delay | <B> + <Left Arrow> |
Reset Commands
Reset Mouse and Keyboard | <F1> |
Send NULL Mouse Byte | <F3> |
Set Extender To Default State | <Left Control> + <F9> |
Other Commands
Toggle Remote Unit Private Mode | <Scroll Lock> |
Toggle Local Unit Initial Hot Key | <F7> |
Local Unit Scroll Lock Key Mode | <F5> |