Interrupt Level
The IRQ item on the Hardware menu allows the selection of an interrupt request line that will be used by the Adapter. The default value is 5. In most systems, interrupt request levels cannot be shared.
5.9 DOS Diagnostics
The 5250 DOS diagnostics can be used in a DOS environment only.
To run the Diagnostics, make sure that the diagnostic program
The ENB5250 program will automatically be executed when the diagnostics are run. The board resource information from the ENB5250 program will be passed to the diagnostic program.
On startup, the following screen is displayed:
5250 Twinax Card Diagnostics Version 3.2
Port Address=0118 Interrupt Level=12 Segment Address=DC00
1 to run the tests once,
2 to have the tests loop,
3 to exit to DOS
Enter selection:_
The top two lines of all screens display the program header, which includes the program name and version number and the current adapter settings. The adapter settings are the values assigned by the system. Following the header is a list of choices for the user.
The diagnostics program waits for the user to enter a selection. Type the selection, followed by the <ENTER> key. If you enter anything the program doesn’t recognize, the PC will beep, and the program will ask for your entry again.