CHAPTER 5: Utility Software
Option 3: Irq Mode (High Memory)
This mode sets the PCI card to run with an interrupt, and to run anywhere in memory (the BIOS will usually assign this to above one megabyte).
Option 4: No Irq Mode (High Memory)
This mode sets the PCI card to run without holding an interrupt, and to run anywhere in memory (the BIOS will usually assign this to above one megabyte). See Appendix B for more information on
If you do not wish to change the settings, simply hit the <ENTER> key and the program will abort.
You must reboot the PC before these changes will take effect.
5.4 EXPCFG Program
This utility is used to toggle the PCI Express card’s special features. The OBS mode and 2 MB mode can be enabled or disabled independently of one another. You must reboot your computer before these settings can take effect.
5.5 Windows Device Drivers
There are two Windows Virtual Device Drivers (VxD) on the Utility diskette: CEM5250.386 and CEM5250.VXD, and a third device driver for Windows NT 3.x and Windows NT 4.0: TwinaxOEM.sys. The CEM5250.386 driver is used with Windows 3.1; CEM5250.VXD is used with Windows 95/98. These VxDs will allow
5.5.1 CEM5250.VXD
This device driver will automatically be installed by Windows 95/98 when it detects the Adapter. This file will be loaded into the \windows\system directory. Windows 95/98 will request this file the first time the Adapter is detected. This VxD is dynamic and will only be loaded when Windows 95/98 has detected the Adapter. Do not use this file on Windows 3.1 systems.
5.5.2 CEM5250.386
This device driver can be automatically installed by answering “yes” to the prompt during the Install program. The installation procedure will copy the file to the \windows\system directory and also add an entry in the [386Enh] section of the