Xerox 701P98048 manual Stacker 1000 Operator Manual Table of contents

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Stacker 1000 Operator Manual Table of contents

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Contents Stacker Operator Manual Welcome For information or assistance on your Stacker 1000, callTable of contents Stacker 1000 Operator Manual Table of contents Safety notes Stacker 1000 Operator Manual Safety notes Introduction Stacker overviewIdentifying the stacker parts Stacker operation 6ZLWFKLQJRQWKHVWDFNHU1RUPDORSHUDWLRQ 7UD\HWHQVLRQV3ULQWVLHLQIRUPDWLRQ 0HGLDVWRUDJHFRPSDUWPHQWVJam clearance Problem solvingOhdulqjphgldmdpv Moving the stacker Problem solving ActionTechnical data Technical dataStacker relocation 6SDFHUHTXLUHPHQWVLphqvlrqv 3ULQWHUPHGLDLQIRUPDWLRQ6WDFNHUFDSDFLW\ OhfwulfdouhtxluhphqwvStacker serial number location FCC compliance It’s illegalConformité EEM au Canada 701P98048