Xerox 701P98048 manual Stacker overview, Introduction, Identifying the stacker parts

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Stacker overview


The Stacker 1000 is an optional finishing device which may be used with the ￿￿￿￿￿ 8830 printer, the ￿￿￿￿￿ 8830 Digital Document System (DDS), or the ￿￿￿￿￿ Productivity Centre 8233. The illustration below shows the Stacker 1000 with a

￿￿￿￿￿8830 printer.

The Stacker 1000 stacks a maximum of 1000 prints of various sizes. Print sizes include A (A4) through E (A0). Depending on the print size, prints are stacked either by:

Long edge feed (LEF), also called landscape, or

Short edge feed (SEF), also called portrait.

Identifying the stacker parts

Tray extensions (for longer- size prints)

Media storage compartment (one on each side of stacker)

Stacker 1000 Operator Manual


Stacker overview


Image 7
Contents Stacker Operator Manual For information or assistance on your Stacker 1000, call WelcomeTable of contents Stacker 1000 Operator Manual Table of contents Safety notes Stacker 1000 Operator Manual Safety notes Introduction Stacker overviewIdentifying the stacker parts 7UD\HWHQVLRQV Stacker operation6ZLWFKLQJRQWKHVWDFNHU 1RUPDORSHUDWLRQ0HGLDVWRUDJHFRPSDUWPHQWV 3ULQWVLHLQIRUPDWLRQJam clearance Problem solvingOhdulqjphgldmdpv Action Moving the stacker Problem solving6SDFHUHTXLUHPHQWV Technical dataTechnical data Stacker relocationOhfwulfdouhtxluhphqwv Lphqvlrqv3ULQWHUPHGLDLQIRUPDWLRQ 6WDFNHUFDSDFLW\Stacker serial number location FCC compliance It’s illegalConformité EEM au Canada 701P98048