| Specifies how far apart to space the horizontal and vertical grid |
| lines. This command also specifies the location of the form |
| origin with respect to the virtual page origin. All FDL commands |
| create and place form elements (lines, boxes, and so on) relative |
| to the form origin. |
Syntax | GRID UNIT IS format id ORIGIN y unit x unit; |
| or |
| GRID UNIT IS value ORIGIN y unit x unit; |
Parameter options | format id |
| Name of a predefined format. The format may be one of the |
| standard formats listed in the ªStandard print formatsº |
| appendix or a |
| When a format is specified, it automatically provides page |
| orientation, form origin, and grid unit dimensions. All |
| predefined formats specify the grid units in lines and |
| characters per inch. The BEGIN values of the predefined |
| format are used to place the form origin, unless overridden |
| by an ORIGIN parameter. |
| value |
| If a predefined format is not specified, value is used to |
| indicate the number of inches (INCH or INCHES), |
| centimeters (CM or CENTIMETERS), dots (DOTS or XDOTS), |
| or characters per inch or lines per inch (CPI or LPI) that |
| specify the size of a grid unit. Size in inches or centimeters |
| represents the length of one side of a square grid unit. |
| If the value is omitted when DOTS are specified, 1 is |
| assumed. If only one DOTS parameter is specified, the grid |
| unit is the same number of dots in both the horizontal and |
| vertical dimensions. |
| y |
| Specifies the offset value used to offset downward from the |
| top of the virtual page. If y is not specified, the top edge of |
| the form is located at the top edge of the virtual page. |
| unit |
| Specifies the measurement, in INCH or INCHES, CM or |
| CENTIMETERS, DOTS or XDOTS, that the form origin is offset |
| downward from the top of the virtual page. If inches, |
| centimeters, or dots are not specified in this parameter, |
| inches are assumed. |
| x |
| Specifies the offset value used to offset the form to the right |
| of the left edge of the virtual page. The coordinate x=0 |
| represents the left edge of the virtual page. If x is not |
| specified, the left edge of the form is located at the left edge |
| of the virtual page. |
Default | If no grid units or predefined format is specified, FMT1 |
| (landscape) or FMT6 (portrait) values are used. If no units value |
| is specified, INCHES is the default. |
Example | GRID UNIT IS 1 INCH; |
Considerations | Inches and centimeters may have two decimal places. Dots must |
| be expressed in integers only. The values value, y, and x must |
| be positive numbers. |
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE |