·[DOT\TED is interpreted as [DOT\S. For example:
The keyword DOT is interpreted as DOTS, which is valid in this position. The keyword DOTTED is also valid in this position, but must be spelled out in full.
·[CEN\TER is interpreted as [CEN\TIMETERS. For example:
TEXT 10 CEN IN BOX.....;
The keyword CEN is interpreted as CENTIMETERS, which is valid in this position. The keyword CENTER is also valid in this position but must be spelled out in full.
Hints and tips
You can avoid coding problems by using the coding technique suggestions, hints, and tips shown in table
| Table | Hints and tips |
Keywords | Hints and tips |
| |
Form id | · Develop a logical, systematic approach to naming conventions. | |
| · Take care not to choose a previously used form id. | |
| |
GRID command | Choose a format that is compatible with the data. | |
Coding lines | · Use a COMMENT command. |
| · Code all horizontal lines, then all vertical lines. Precede each set with a comment | |
| statement. |
| · Code longer lines first. Then follow with the shorter segments that may overlay the | |
| basic long lines. |
| · Code lighter lines first. Then code shorter segments that are heavier in density. | |
| · Code a SOLID 0 line first whenever you have a set of colinear segments, whether | |
| they are touching or not. |
| · Use lines rather than characters of the form element font, whenever possible. | |
| · Avoid overlapping (superimposing) lines. | |
| · Avoid using too many dotted or broken lines because they create too much | |
| overhead in the printing process. |
| · Avoid drawing unneeded lines across the longest side of the physical page. | |
Coding boxes | · Use a COMMENT command. |
| · Use a BOX command only when the lines generated by that command are not | |
| duplicated by another command. |
| · Do not use a REPEAT command when drawing lines that create boxes if you need to | |
| find the coordinates of those boxes later. | |
| · Use boxes rather than characters of the form element font, whenever possible. | |
| · Avoid overlapping (superimposing) boxes. | |
Use of shading | · Use a COMMENT command. |
| · Avoid overlapping the boundary line of a box with shading. Set shading back from | |
| borders by three to five dots (or about 0.1 units for most coordinates). This | |
| conserves memory and results in a cleaner appearance. | |
| · Try to avoid shading on portrait forms. | |
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE |