orientation | In reference to image area, describes whether the printed lines | |
| are parallel to the long edge of the paper (landscape) or the |
| short edge of the paper (portrait). |
origin | In reference to image area, the upper left corner of a sheet. | |
overprint | ratio | Maximum number of variable data and form characters that can |
| be intersected by a single scan line. |
packet | A group of DJDE records terminated by an END command. | |
page | end | Command character (form feed) to terminate the current page. |
palette | Predefined set of colors or inks. Different versions are provided | |
| with the printer and with host- or |
parameter | Part of a command, other than the keyword. See keyword. | |
parse | To read or interpret a command; to build up a parameter list | |
| from information within a command. |
| PCC | Printer Carriage Control. |
| PDE | Page Description Entry. |
| PDL | Print Description Language. Language used to describe printing |
| jobs to a laser printing system. PDL describes the input (type, |
| format, characteristics), performs the processing functions |
| (logical processing), and describes the output (type, format, font |
| selection, accounting options). |
| PE | Phase encoded. |
physical | page | Actual page size your printer uses to print a form. |
pitch | Width of a | |
| inch. |
| pixel | Acronym for picture element. Smallest addressable point of a |
| bitmapped screen that can be independently assigned color and |
| intensity. |
point | In Xerox laser printing systems, a unit of measurement equal to | |
| 0.0139 inch. Points are always used to express type, size, and |
| leading. There are 12 points to a pica and about 72 points to an |
| inch. |
portrait | Orientation in which text and images are positioned parallel to | |
| the short edge of the paper. |
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS FORMS CREATION GUIDE |