Monitoring an
In either case, the relevant signal of the Image Retriever icon on the system tray will change to “Processing” state (light green). For a complete list of color keys see: Image Retriever Status Display.
Image Retriever will place the new items appearing in the watched folder or inbox on the PaperPort desktop and will launch the PaperPort application - unless you have specified “Don’t run PaperPort“ in the “Image Retriever Settings” dialog.
When documents are retrieved Setting
Now that you have set the Image Retriever repository folder and the watch interval, specify the behavior you prefer for document retrieval. The “When documents are retrieved” setting offers three choices described in the following table:
Select this |
setting: | To get this result: |
Run PaperPort in | Every time Image Retriever detects a new |
a window | document in the folder and/or inbox being |
| watched, it converts it and places it in |
| PaperPort, which is then opened on your |
| Windows desktop. It then purges the |
| original scanned document from the folder |
| being watched. If it brings a PDF, TIFF or |
| XPS attachment to the PaperPort desktop, |
| the original message remains in the |
| inbox but its status will switch to “Read”. |