How to Order Paper like a Pro
When you order paper, it’s important to know the differences between papers so that you’ll know what to ask for. Professionals divide papers into large categories or grades according to their end use, method of printing, and pulp content.
Refer to the chart, Types of Paper, for a description of many paper types, their features, surfaces, sizes, weights, and common names.
How paper is categorized – in the USA and Canada
Business papers
This category of paper is also called bond paper, communication paper, correspondence paper and writing paper. This paper is used in stationery, business forms, and as copier papers.
•Bond paper (strong durable writing paper, most commonly used for letterheads, stationery, business forms, etc.)
•Xerographic papers (strong, durable paper used for electrostatic photocopiers and printers)
Laser (laser printing)
Dual purpose (printing, copying)
Writing (stationery)
Ledger (bookkeeping)
Form (computer paper/business forms)
Translucent bond (blueprint copy)
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