SubNetmask4: Provided by our ISP.
Gateway/DNS server #1/DNS server #2: These values will be automatically provided once you click “Obtain global port configuration automatically”. You can change the values if necessary.
Virtual Server
Being a natural Internet firewall, this IP Sharing device protects your network from being accessed by outside users. When there is application that requires outside users to access internal servers (e.g. Web Server, Ftp Server,
Figure 10
Single Port/Port Range: For selecting between a specific port and a range of ports which you want the Internet users to be able to access. The valid port number ranges from 0 to 65535.
Browse: If DHCP function is enabled, the distributed IP Addresses will appear on the screen. You can select the desired IP address (for the specified port) and add it to the server list.
4If you checked PPPoE in Management tab (see the Management section), the “Obtain global port configuration automatically” and the “Set static global port configuration” fields are grayed out and will not accept any input.
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