TRENDnet PF-16 PCMCIA user manual Custom configuration, El E C Tin G D R Iv Er S

Page 23

• ! • • • • • • • —Driver installation for DOS environments

PC M C IA 1 0 /1 00 M bp s Eth ern et C ard In stallation Prog ram


S elect the netw o rk driv ers that y ou w ant to in stall. U se the up an d do w n arrow k eys to h ig hlig ht th e d esire d ite m . W hen a item is high ligh te d press <E n te r> to se lect it. If th e n etw o rk d riv er th at y ou w an t to in stall is n ot in the follo w ing list, pre ss < E sc> to continu e.

N etwa re O DI D riv er

Pa ck et D river

W in do w s fo r W ork g ro up s

LA N M a na g er

A rtisoft L A Nta stic

<En ter> to con tinu e < Esc>to co ntin ue <F3 > to retu rn to DO S

After selecting the network operating system, the INSTALL pro- gram will copy and modify files on your boot drive. Your CONFIG.SYS file will also be modified to include the Enabler Driver. You should see the following message if the installation has been successful:

PC M C IA 10/100M bps Ethernet C ard Installation Program


IN S TA L L h a s c rea ted /m o d ifie d y ou r A U T O E X E C .B AT a nd C O N F IG .S Y S file to en a b le the PC M C IA 10 /1 0 0 M b p s E th ern e t C ard . T h e o rig in a l files h a ve be e n re n am ed to A U T O E X E C .PC M a nd C O N F IG .P C M . If y o u h a ve any p ro b lem s w ith th e n e w C O N F IG .S Y S file w h en yo u reb o o t y o u r c o m p uter, y o u sh ou ld

re sto re th e o rig in a l file s.

R e m o v e th e D riv e r D isk a n d re b oo t y ou r c om p u ter no w .

Press any key to return to D OS

Custom configuration

To perform a custom installation, you need to select the Custom Configuration Menu after you begin the INSTALL program.

After selecting the Custom Installation Menu, you see a series of submenus prompting you to select an IRQ and I/O address.

￿￿! ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿19

Image 23
Contents PF-16 Pcmcia 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Card User’s Manual Regulatory compliance Table of contents About this manual Introduction FeaturesHardware description Hardware installationWhat’s in the package Do not force the connection Inserting the Ethernet CardConnecting to a phone jack Connecting to a hub Disconnecting the Ethernet Card Ethernet Card RJ-45 connector LEDsDisconnecting the RJ-45 cable Driver installation for Windows Driver installation for Win 95/98/NTPcmcia 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PC Card User’s Manual Driver installation for Win 95/98/NT Click Yes to complete installation Driver installation for Windows NT Pcmcia 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PC Card User’s Manual Driver installation for Win 95/98/NT System Requirements Driver installation for DOS environmentsDriver installation program Quick installation Using the Install program Install programT E R in G TH E in S TA L L AT IO N PAT H Auto configuration EL E C TIN G D R IV ER S Custom configurationInterrupt select Memory space select EnablersPcmcia 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PC Card User’s Manual Where Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows for Workgroups Microsoft LAN Manager Netware 3.X/4.X clientArtisoft LANtastic version Installation for Linux Generate the driver using the following syntax Installing the driver for LinuxReboot Linux using the following syntax Windows 95/98 TroubleshootingWindows NT 4.0 Appendix B Enabler program error messagesError Message Solution Appendix C