TRENDnet User’s Guide
Q:I inserted the Utility & Driver
1.For Windows 7, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click on the Windows Icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen,, click the “Search programs and files” box, and type D:\autorun.exe, where “D” in “D:\autorun.exe” is the letter assigned to your
2.For Windows Vista, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click the Start Search box, and type D:\autorun.exe where "D" in "D:\autorun.exe" is the letter assigned to your
3.For Windows 2000/XP, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run, and type
D:\autorun where "D" in "D:\autorun.exe" is the letter assigned to your
Q:I completed all the steps in the quick installation guide, but my Wireless USB Adapter is not connecting to my access point. What should I do?
1.Verify that the SSID (Network Name) matches your wireless router or access point's
2.Please check with your network administrator for security key in order to access a secured wireless access point or router. Please refer to the User's Guide for more information regarding wireless network security.
3.Check your TCP/IP properties to ensure that Obtain an IP address automatically is selected.
Q:Windows is unable to recognize my hardware. What should I do? Answer:
1.Make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements as specified in Section 1 of this quick installation guide.
2.You must complete the installation of the Wireless Configuration Utility (as described in Section 2) before connecting the Wireless USB Adapter to your computer.
3.Connect the Wireless USB Adapter to a different USB port on your computer.
Q:I cannot open the Wireless Configuration Utility. What should I do?
Access your device manager to make sure the adapter is installed properly.
1.To access the device manager on Windows 7, click on the Windows icon on the bottom
2.To access the device manager on Windows Vista,
3.To access the device manager on Windows XP,
If you see a networking device with a yellow question mark or exclamation point:
1.Uninstall the device from device manager
2.Remove the adapter from the computer
3.Click the Windows / Start icon, click All Programs, click TRENDnet Wireless and then click Uninstall.
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