RSTP– System Configuration Interface
Per Port Configuration
Configure path cost and priority of every port
•Select the port in Port column
•Path Cost: The cost of the path to the other bridge from this transmitting bridge at the specified port. Enter a number 1 through 200000000
•Priority: Decide which port should be blocked by priority in LAN. Enter a number 0 through 240. The value of priority must be the multiple of 16
•Admin P2P: Some of the rapid state transactions that are possible within RSTP are dependent upon whether the port concerned can only be connected to exactly one other bridge (i.e. it is served by a
•Admin Edge: The port directly connected to end stations cannot create bridging loop in the network. To configure the port as an edge port, set the port to “True” status
•Admin Non Stp: The port includes the STP mathematic calculation. True is not including STP mathematic calculation. False is including the STP mathematic calculation
•And then, click
Apply |
[NOTE] Remember to execute the “Save Configuration” action, otherwise the new configuration will lose when switch power off.