capacity planning and application stress testing. For more information on Parallel Sysplex Professional Services, visit IBM’s Web site at services.html.
GDPS supports both the synchronous
Copy (XRC), referred to as GDPS/XRC, has the attributes of a Disaster Recovery solution. XRC is a combined hard- ware and software asynchronous remote copy solution.
The application I/O is signaled completed when the data update to the primary storage is completed. Subsequently, a DFSMSdfp™ component called System Data Mover (SDM), typically running in site 2, is designed to asynchronously offl oad data from the primary storage subsystem’s cache and updates the secondary disk volumes.
In GDPS/XRC, the production system(s) located in site 1 can be a single system, multiple systems sharing disk, or a base or Parallel Sysplex cluster. GDPS/XRC is designed to provide a single, automated solution to dynamically manage storage subsystem mirroring (disk and tape)
to allow a business to attain “near transparent” disaster recovery with minimal data loss. GDPS/XRC is designed to provide the ability to perform a controlled site switch for an unplanned site outage, maintaining data integrity across multiple volumes and storage subsystems. GDPS/XRC is designed to allow a customer to meet a RTO of one to two hours, an RPO of less than a minute, and helps protect against metropolitan as well as regional disasters, since the distance between sites is unlimited. XRC can use either common communication links and channel extender technology or dark fi ber as the connectivity between sites.
GDPS/XRC is designed to be application independent and therefore is capable of covering the customer’s complete application environment.
GDPS requires Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS, Tivoli System Automation for z/OS, and remote copy technologies.
Note: Dark fi ber refers to dedicated strands of fi ber optic cable with no electronics between the ends (source and destination).