as z/OS, z/OS.e, OS/390, TPF, VSE/ESA, CMS, and Linux on zSeries and S/390. The ability to support multiple machine images and architectures enables z/VM to run multiple production and test versions of zSeries and S/390 operating systems, all on the same system. z/VM can help simplify migration from one release to another, facilitate the transition to newer applications, provide a test system whenever one is needed, and consolidate several systems onto one physical machine. z/VM can also be used to pro- vide virtual access to the latest DASD and processor archi- tecture for systems that lack such support.
New technological enhancements in z/VM V4.4 provide:
•Exploitation of the zSeries 890 and 990 server
–support for extended
•Support for the zSeries capability to cascade two FICON directors within a
•Support for the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) FlashCopy V2 providing increased fl exibil- ity for improved capacity management and utilization.
•Support for the IBM ESS
systems, offering an asynchronous cascading solution providing a complete, consistent, and coherent copy of data at a remote site.
•Support for IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape Controller 3592 Model J70 and Tape Drive 3592 Model J1A, this including support of Write Once Read Many (WORM) data cartridges.
Systems Management
Improvements in systems management some of which help to provide
•Functions that may be called by client applications to allocate and manage resources for guests running in z/VM virtual machines (virtual images). Use of the appli- cation programming interfaces (APIs) through an appli- cation provided by a customer or solution provider are designed so that such applications can allow administra- tors who lack
•Hardware Confi guration Manager (HCM) and Hardware Confi guration Defi nition (HCD) components to create and manage your I/O confi guration. This new support provides a comprehensive,
•Performance Toolkit for VM that provides enhanced capabilities for a z/VM systems programmer, operator, or performance analyst to monitor and report performance data. The toolkit is an optional,