IBM DS5000, DS3000, DS4000 manual Additional Reference Links

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Digital Media Storage Solution Installation Guide


© Copyright 2010, IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.


Image 37
Contents Digital Media Storage Solution Installation Guide Contents Appendix Example Configurations File Sharing Environments IntroductionApple Homogenous Three Current SolutionsLinux Homogenous Heterogeneous Component DescriptionsApple Clients Linux StorNext Clients and MDC’sIBM Storage SAN Architecture must meet RPQ criteriaPlanned Support Rollout Linux StorNext Clients with Linux MDC Heterogeneous Supported Planned Future EnhancementsMeta Data Controller ClientHBA’s Connections Zone Solution Restrictions and RecommendationsStorage Recommended RAID Configurations Solution Installation Page Quantum / Apple Joint Product Support Program Quantum / Apple Joint Product Support ProgramMigrating from Xsan MDC to Stornext MDC Atto Technology, Inc Value Proposition AttoFC84EN FC82EN FC81EN Atto HBA InstallationAtto OS X Driver Installation Atto Config Tool FeaturesAtto OS X Configuration Tool Installation Paths Tab Viewing multipathing informationPath Status at LUN Level Path Status at Target LevelAdditional Path Information Detailed Info Load Balancing Policies Configuring MultipathingCollecting Celerity Host Adapter Info FC Host Adapter ConfigurationUseful OS X Applications Atto Problems?Turning AVT Off Appendix Configuration ScriptsLarge Heterogeneous StorNext configuration Appendix Example ConfigurationsSet host type Lnxclvmware Mid to large -sized MAC Homogenous StorNext configuration DS5020 Front EXP520 Optional Up to 112 drives maximum Mid-sized MAC Homogenous StorNext configurationDS5020 Back Front DS3400 Back Front EXP3000 Optional Up to 48 drives maximum Small MAC Homogenous StorNext configurationRAID 5 4+1 Data RAID 5 8+1 Data Mid to large -sized Heterogeneous StorNext configurationAdditional Reference Links Trademarks
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