Using LP Utilities
LP Remote Programmer Utility
LP Remote Programmer allows you to use the remote’s trackball as you do your computer’s mouse, control presentation software as an electronic clicker, and customize buttons to carry out commands. It also provides button templates for popular presentation software applications.
Programmable buttons
Five of the buttons on the remote control unit are programmable. You can assign a sequence of up to 32 keystrokes to each of these buttons. For example, instead of typing CTRL + TAB to advance to the next screen, you can assign this sequence to one of the buttons. Then, pressing the button has the same effect as typing CTRL + TAB.
LP Remote Programmer dialog box
All buttons except the five programmable ones are displayed in gray to indicate that they are unavailable. The text box next to each programmable button shows the keystrokes currently assigned to it.
Enter keystrokes here
Saves changes
Deletes changes
Assigned keystrokes are displayed here
LitePro 580 User’s Guide | 43 |