IBM OS manual Stopping the collection of affinity data, When you can stop collecting affinity data

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Table 5. Methods for resuming data collection by the Detector

Where used

Command or function key



Control display, CAFF01

F8 function key



3270 terminal





F cicsjob, CAFF CONTINUE „1…



Application program





„1… cicsjob is the name of your CICS startup job.

Using one of the methods listed in Table 5 causes the Detector to continue recording any transaction affinities in the CICS region, until you pause or stop data collection.

Stopping the collection of affinity data

When you can stop collecting affinity data

You can stop collecting affinity data only when the Detector is currently running or paused.

To stop collecting affinity data, use one of the methods shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Methods for stopping data collection by the Detector

Where used

Command or function key



Control display, CAFF01

F6 function key „1…



3270 terminal





F cicsjob, CAFF STOP „2…



Application program





„1… If you press the F6 function key of the CAFF01 screen, you are asked to con®rm that you want to stop the recording of affinity data.

„2… cicsjob is the name of your CICS startup job.

„3… You can use this command from a program initiated during the ®rst quiesce stage of CICS shutdown, that is, a program speci®ed in the ®rst half of the PLT for CICS shutdown. This is recommended, to prevent the Detector delaying CICS shutdown if the Detector is not in the STOPPED state. For more information about using PLTSD programs, see the CICS Customization Guide.

Using one of the methods in Table 6 stops the Detector recording any transaction affinities in the CICS region until you next start collecting data by the Detector. This also destroys the data space, and saves the data collected to the affinity data VSAM ®les.

Chapter 5. Running the Detector 35

Image 51
Contents IBM Page IBM Third edition March Contents Appendix A. Details of what is detected Reporter output Scanner output Examples Vi Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Vii Trademarks Preface Argument zero Bibliography Cics Transaction Server for OS/390Cics books for Cics Transaction Server for OS/390 Other Cics books CICSPlex SM books for Cics Transaction Server for OS/390Summary of changes Xiv Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Affinities, see the Cics Application Programming Guide Introducing transaction affinitiesRequesting region Routing regionTarget region Benets of dynamic routing What does dynamic routing cost?Transaction affinities Global Inter-transaction affinityTransaction-system affinity Affinity relationsCics programming techniques for transaction affinity Affinity lifetimesAvoiding the effects of transaction affinity Safe programming techniquesUnsafe programming techniques Suspect programming techniquesProtecting applications from one another What next? Important note Introducing the Transaction Affinities UtilityAffinity utility program components Commands detected by the Transaction Affinities Utility Detector component Scanner componentDetector components What is detectedWorsening of transaction affinities relations What is not detectedHow the affinity data is collected Controlling the DetectorSaving affinity data Control record Vsam le Affinity data Vsam lesReport presenting the affinity data in a readable form Detector performanceReporter component Builder componentIntroducing the Transaction Affinities Utility Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Preparing to use the affinity utility program Creating the Vsam lesEstimating the size of the MVS data space and Vsam les #termids Dening the Vsam les to CicsPreparing to use the affinity utility program Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Creating a summary report Running the ScannerAffmod DD statement Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Creating a detailed reportContents of a detailed report Is an example of a detailed report produced by the Scanner Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Running the Detector Changing the stateChanging the options CAFF01 Displaying the Detector control screenStarting the collection of affinity data When you can start collecting affinity dataResuming the collection of affinity data Pausing the collection of affinity dataWhen you can pause affinity data collection When you can resume collecting affinity dataStopping the collection of affinity data When you can stop collecting affinity dataCAFF02 Changing the Detector options„1… The control options Perform periodic saves Restore data on start„2… Detect affinity types „4… Last update by useridSize of dataspace Transid prexDetector errors Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Caucntl DD statements Running the ReporterRequesting a report from the Reporter CAUAFF1, CAUAFF2, and CAUAFF3 DD statementsOutput from the Reporter Cmdgrps DD statementTrangrps DD statement System Affinity reportTrangroup „1… Incorrect affinity types„2… Affinity types reported „3… Affinities reportsLifetime RecoverableCommand AffinityTotal Transactions Producing affinity transaction group denitionsTerminal BTS TaskAfflifesystem Descaddress CWA Using the affinity reportRemove affinity relation worsening Understanding the affinitiesModifying affinity transaction groups Remove false affinitiesCompressing affinity data Shared storage Using the IBM Cross System ProductSPI commands ENQUEUEs/DEQUEUEsENQUEUE/DEQUEUE Detailed affinity analysisGetmain Shared SPI commands Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Running the Builder DSPSIZE=16numberCONTEXT=plexname Syntax for input to the Builder Repgrps DD statementAffgrps DD statement Builder input syntax Header statements Output from the BuilderCombined affinity transaction group denitions Combining basic affinity transaction groups Relation a Relation B Resultant relation C Data sets processed report Empty transaction groups reportGroup merge report Sample group merge report Error reportSample error report Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide ENQ/DEQ Appendix A. Details of what is detectedLoad HOLD/RELEASE TS commandsAddress CWA CANCEL/DELAY/POST/START Wait commands SPI commandsCics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Reporter output Scanner outputExamples Example 2±VS Cobol Which occurs for the rst Move Move Logon or System when Pconv expected Cobol affinitiesUnrecognized Transids Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Appendix D. Diagnostics Detector table manager diagnosticsFunction code values Table identier values Reason code values This section Detector Cafb request queue manager diagnosticsDate formatter diagnostics Reason code valuesIndex Bappl Vsam Cics Transaction Affinities Utility Guide Sending your comments to IBM Ibmr IBM