Appendix B Cisco Support Resources
Cisco Small and
Cisco Small and Medium-Sized Business (SMB) Solutions
Cisco SMB Class Solutions give your employees secure, reliable, and convenient access to the information they need, whether they are located in the main office, at a remote office, at home, or on the road.
You can access the Cisco SMB Class Solutions website at this URL:
http://www.cisco.com/en/US/netsol/ns339/networking_solutions_small_medium _sized_business_home.html
Cisco Networking Professionals Connection
Cisco Networking Professionals Connection is the gathering place for Networking Professionals to share questions, suggestions, and information about networking solutions, products, and technologies. These chat
You can access the Cisco Networking Professionals Connection website at this URL:
Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines
For information on obtaining documentation, obtaining support, providing documentation feedback, security guidelines, and also recommended aliases and general Cisco documents, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
| User Guide for the Catalyst Express 520 Switches |