This section describes radio compliance conditions for the Cisco 800 series routers and Cisco SOHO routers. It contains the following:
•Agency Approval and Standards
•Power Level Settings
•Canadian Compliance Statement
•RF Exposure
•Guidelines for Operating Cisco Wireless Access Points in Japan
•Administrative Rules for Cisco Wireless Devices in Taiwan
Agency Approval and Standards
The agency approvals and standards for 2.4 GHz radio are as follows:
•CFR47 part 15.247
•ETSI EN 300.328.1
•ETSI EN301.489.1& .17
•Japan Std 33a and Std 66
•EN 50835
Caution The Part 15 radio device operates on a
Note This equipment is intended to be used in all EU and EFTA countries. Outdoor use may be restricted to certain frequencies and/or may require a license for operation. For more details, contact Cisco Corporate Compliance.
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco 800 Series and SOHO Series Routers
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