Cabletron Systems SmartCell 6A000 Appendix B Smartcell 6A000 and Snmp, Internet MIB Hierarchy

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This appendix briefly describes SNMP support and the MIB files provided (on diskette) with the SmartCell 6A000 switch.

MIB files are defined according to the following:

MIB II (RFC 1213)

Interface Table MIB (RFC 1573)

AToM MIB (RFC 1695)

AToM2 MIB (pre-standard)


UNI 3.0/3.1 ILMI MIB (ATM Forum)

IP over ATM MIB (pre-standard)


SmartCell 6A000 Switch MIBs (proprietary)

Note Along with the MIBs, the diskette also contains a README file and the release notes.


The MIB structure is logically represented by a tree hierarchy (see Figure B-1). The root of the tree is unnamed and splits into three main branches: Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and joint ISO/CCITT.

These branches and those that fall below each category have short text strings and integers to identify them. Text strings describe object names, while integers allow computer software to create compact, encoded representations of the names. For example, the ZeitNet MIB variable znIpAtmClient is an object name (denoted by number 1,) which is listed at the end of its object identifier number See the MIB listings later in this appendix for the exact location of this object.

The object identifier in the Internet MIB hierarchy is the sequence of numeric labels on the nodes along a path from the root to the object. The Internet standard for MIB II is represented by the object identifier It also can be expressed as (see Figure B-1).

SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Appendix B-1

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Contents Order number Part number 04-0045-01 Rev. a SmartCell 6A000 User GuideIi SmartCell 6A000 User Guide FCC Class a Notice Declaration of Conformity Addendum Safety Information Class 1 Laser Transceivers Fiber Optic Protective Caps Regulatory Compliance Summary Safety Revision History Table of Contents Troubleshooting Acronyms Index Table of Contents Xii SmartCell 6A000 User Guide List of Figures List of Figures Xiv SmartCell 6A000 User Guide List of Tables List of Tables Xvi SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Introduction Introduction SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Unpacking the Switch Switch Installation and SetupInspecting the Switch Check Accessory Carton Contents6A000-04 and 6A000-02 front panels Mbps STS-3c/STM-1 UTP5, 4 Ports Installing the SwitchInstalling the Switch Installing the SmartCell 6A000 Adapters provided for connecting to the switch Configuring the Switch6A000 console and network connections Console Commands Using the ConsoleEnter Adding and ModifyingClient UNIATMAddress 390000000000000000001441800020d414418000 Console HelpServerAddress 390000000000000000001441800020d414418001 Creating AN IP Over ATM Vlan IP Over ATM and LaneIpatmarp ATM Addressing for IP over ATMSmartCell ZX # add wellknownaddress Creating AN Emulated LANELANType802.3 The default Ethernet is used ATM Addressing for LAN Emulation Elan1 ELANs Across Multiple SwitchesSwitch Clients Path /backdir/config-1 Switch AdministrationBacking UP and Restoring Switch Configuration Path server.ima Upgrading Operating SoftwareUsing the df Command to Recover Setting UP RoutesUnsuccessful Update Creating Iisp Routes Iisp RoutingSmartCell ZX # show netprefix a4 ATMAdress 39000000000000000000144780 SW2s netprefixATMAdress 39000000000000000000144180 SW1s netprefix Iisp Routes Among Multiple SwitchesATMAdress 39000000000000000000141500 SW3s netprefix Iisp routes between multiple switches Default Iisp RoutesIisp Routes and Network Topology For example, create a default Iisp route from port B1Routing Loops 112255 112244UNI Routes SigConfig and PortAutoDetect with Iisp RoutingIisp Metrics and Load Sharing UNIATMAddress 440000000000000000001441800030E514418000IP Routing To see the route, enter the show route command on SW2 Logs and AlarmsViewing and Filtering Messages How Log Messages and Alarm Messages DifferLog Message System Console Setting UP PVC ConnectionsPoint-to-Point PVCs Connecting to Local Client Through Point-to-Point PVC100 PVCs Show vccmask Non-zero VPIsSmartCell ZX # show portconfig a1 SmartCell ZX # set portconfig a1Traffic Descriptors Traffic Management5000 8000Call Admission Control Policy # set cacparams Class of Service QueuesPortNumberALL Port ID Queue EFCI, EPD, and RM Thresholds Class of Service Queue Allocation GuidelinesSmartCell ZX # show switchtrafficcongestion Traffic Management Logprint off command TroubleshootingTroubleshooting IP Over ATM Troubleshooting LAN Emulation Global Congestion Troubleshooting CongestionDiagnosing Congestion Port Congestion Troubleshooting TroubleshootingCongestion Troubleshooting Congestion Front Panel Appendix a Features and SpecificationsHardware Components Figure A-1 Front panel CPU ModuleInput/Output Port Modules Switch Modules MSM and ESMModule TypeCharacteristics Figure A-3 Group and port identifiers Port NumberingSwitch Module FeaturesSignaling and Routing 3 I/O ModulesLAN Servers and Clients Connection ManagementManagement ATM Forum LAN Emulation LanePhysical Specifications SpecificationsTechnical Specifications Standards Specifications ATM Port SpecificationsRJ-45 DB-25 Pin Color Description CPU Serial Port Pin-Out DescriptionsTable A-11 RJ-45 to DB-25 Adapter Modem Adapter Appendix A-12 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Internet MIB Hierarchy Appendix B Smartcell 6A000 and SnmpFigure B-1 Internet MIB Hierarchy Zeitnet Proprietary MIBFigure B-2 ZeitNet Private MIBs Interpreting the Object IdentifierProprietary MIB Functions Client for Snmp Management Console Commands That Affect the AgentMIB Exceptions Non-ConformanceNot Supported SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Appendix B-7 Page Electronic Services FAX ServiceAppendix C Technical Support Telephone AssistanceRepair Services Hardware WarrantySoftware Warranty Appendix D Acronyms Can CACCBR CcittDTE DCCDVT NETFifo FCSFTP IeeeIP/ATM IOMIPX ITU-TSSLeselan LESLIS LLCNFS NetbeuiNIC NLSPMD PDUPMP PPDSAR SaalSAR-PDU SBETCP TaxiTDM TftpVCI VCCVCL VlanAcronyms Appendix D-12 SmartCell 6A000 User Guide Index Add wellknownaddress command 3-6 AddressSetting up routes Vlan Index SmartCell 6A000 User Guide