gAWARD BIOS Beep Codes
1 short: System boots successfully
2 short: CMOS setting error
1 long 1 short: DRAM or M/B error
1 long 2 short: Monitor or display card error
1 long 3 short: Keyboard error
1 long 9 short: BIOS ROM error
Continuous long beeps: DRAM error
Continuous short beeps: Power error
Question 11: How to set in the BIOS in order to bootup from SATA HDDs by either RAID or ATA mode?
Answer: Please set in the BIOS as follow:
1.Advanced BIOS
2.Advanced BIOS
Then it depends on the SATA mode that you need to set "RAID" to RAID mode or "BASE" to normal ATA mode in the item named Serial ATA function.
Question 12:For the M/B which have RAID function, how to set in the BIOS in order to bootup from IDE3, 4 by either RAID or ATA mode?
Answer:Please set in the BIOS as follow:
1.Advanced BIOS
2.Advanced BIOS
Then it depends on the RAID mode that you need to set "RAID" to RAID mode or "ATA" to normal ATA mode in the item named RAID controller function.
Question 13:How to set in the BIOS to bootup from the IDE/ SCSI/ RAID card ?
Answer:Please set in the BIOS as follow:
1.Advanced BIOS
2.Advanced BIOS
Then it depends on the mode(RAID or ATA) that you need to set in RAID/ SCSI BIOS.
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