10If you want to enable Kerberos for an Open Directory master on which it’s not enabled, you can use the following command, which maintains existing passwords and adds them to a new KDC.
If you have user accounts with crypt passwords and you don’t Kerberize them using the command above, you can use Workgroup Manager or the NeST command to use an Open Directory password:
To use Workgroup Manager, open the application and access the directory in which the user account resides. Authenticate as domain administrator, then select a user with a crypt password. Click Advanced, choose Open Directory from the User Password Type
To use the NeST tool, open the Terminal application and type:
For more information about NeST and slapconfig, see their man pages.
Step 7: Relocate saved data files
Place the files you saved from your version 10.3 server in their final locations.
Web Configuration Data
To migrate the web configuration:
1Open Server Admin and click Web in the Computers & Services list. Click Stop Service if web service is running.
2Delete the following files:
3Copy the saved version 10.3 files and directory onto the version 10.4 server.
4Open the Terminal application. As the root user, type the 49_webconfigmigrator command:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/49_webconfigmigrator
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/ webconfigmigrator.log. The version 10.3 files in /etc/httpd/ are renamed to httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created and a sites directory is created.
5If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/workers.properties, reapply all your changes to the version of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4 workers.properties file has a new entry for Weblog service.
6In Server Admin, start web service.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3