Step 3: Make Adjustments as needed after initial server setup
Now you can use Workgroup Manager, Server Admin, Terminal, and other applications to refine your server’s settings and take advantage of new version 10.4 features.
See the administration guide for individual services for an explanation of new and changed features. Following are a few suggestions of particular interest.
Restore httpd.conf to the previous version (httpd.conf.AppleSaved), or include the following line in the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
If you didn’t install Java 1.4.2 on your version 10.3.9 server, WebObjects application projects need to be manually updated to use the version of the Java Virtual Machine (VM) included with version 10.4.
To update a WebObjects project:
1Open the project in Xcode.
2In the Expert View for the main target’s settings, change the property value for “JAVA_VM” to “java”.
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server you’re upgrading has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects, you can ignore it. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web technologies administration guide for more information.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates
Use Server Admin to import any existing SSL certificates you want to continue to use for LDAP, mail, or Web services.
To import an SSL certificate:
1Open Server Admin.
2Select Open Directory, Web, or Mail in the Computers & Services list for the upgraded server.
3Click Settings. See the administration guides for Open Directory, mail service, and web technologies for information about how to import related SSL certificates.
Using Server Admin, you can create a