To reestablish the master and its replicas:
1Set up the version 10.4 master following the instructions later in this chapter.
While you’re setting up the master, client computers won’t be able to connect to the version 10.3.9 master for Open Directory services. Clients may experience a delay while automatically finding the nearest Open Directory replica server.
You can eliminate this delay by changing the DHCP service to use the address of an Open Directory replica server if it provides clients with an LDAP server address. When the version 10.4 master is ready, you can change the DHCP service to use the address of the master.
The Network services administration guide provides instructions for configuring LDAP settings in DHCP service.
2Set up each version 10.4 replica by migrating data as appropriate.
Then change the version 10.3.9 replica’s role to standalone and set up the version 10.4 server to be a replica of the version 10.4 master.
The Open Directory administration guide provides instructions for changing a server’s Open Directory role to standalone and replica.
For information about resetting passwords in the master, see Step 6 on page 40.
Understanding What You Can Migrate
The information in
ÂWeb configuration data
ÂWeb content
ÂMySQL data
ÂMail database
ÂWebMail data
ÂFTP configuration files
ÂNetBoot images
ÂWebObjects applications and frameworks
ÂTomcat data
ÂJBoss applications
ÂAFP settings
ÂIP firewall configuration
ÂDNS configuration
ÂDHCP settings
ÂNAT settings
ÂVPN settings
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3