9In Server Admin, start firewall service.
DNS Configuration
To migrate the DNS configuration:
1Restore the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
2In the Terminal application, go to the directory where the DNS migration script resides
cd /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/
3Run the migration script:
DHCP Settings
To migrate the DHCP configuration:
1Restore the DHCPconfig and Machinesconfig files.
2In the Terminal application, type:
sudo niload
sudo niload
3Open Server Admin and click DHCP to inspect the DHCP Subnets and Static Bindings to make sure they are correct.
User Data
Restore saved user data files.
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the locations in the account and on disk are the same.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Follow instructions in the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide to reuse files and folders saved from /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
Step 8: Set up share points and privileges
To create a share point and set privileges:
1Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2Click the All button and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3Click General and select “Share this item and its contents.”
4Click Access to set up access privileges.
5Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP, SMB, and FTP, but not NFS. To export a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane. See the file services administration guide for more information about setting up share points.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2