This manual contains important instructions and warnings that should be followed during the installation, operation and storage of all Tripp Lite APS Systems.
APS LocationWarnings
Install your APS indoors, away from excess moisture or heat, dust or direct sunlight. | ! |
Leave adequate space around all sides of the APS for proper ventilation. The heavier the | |
load of connected equipment, the more heat will be generated by the APS. | |
Battery ConnectionWarnings |
You must connect batteries in order for any APS model to operate. |
Multiple battery systems must be made up of batteries of the same voltage, age, amp |
hour capacity and type. |
Keep battery location well ventilated. Explosive hydrogen gas can accumulate near |
batteries if they are not kept well ventilated. |
Sparks may result during final battery connection. |
Do not allow objects to contact the two DC input terminals. Do not short or bridge these |
terminals together. Serious injury to property or person could result. |
luipment Connection Warnings
IDo not use Tripp Lite APS Systems in life support applications where a malfunction or failure of a Tripp Lite APS System could cause failure or significantlyalter the perfor- mance of a life support device.
Do not connect a surge suppressor, line conditioner or UPS to the output of the APS. Corded models: Do not remove or modify the ground pin of the APS'splug. Do not use Weprong adaptors with the APS'splug. Connect your APS only to a properly grounded,
nperation Warnings
Your APS does not require routine maintenance. Do not open your APS for any reason. | ( |
There are no | |
Potentiallylethal voltages exist within this unit as long as the battery supply is connected. | |
During any service work, the battery supply and AC input connection (if any) should |
therefore be disconnected. | I |
Do not connect or disconnect batteries while the APS is operating from the battery | |
supply. |
Usinga small tool, set the 4 'Battery TypeI Voltage Point" ConfigurationDIP Switches, Group A (located on the front panel of your APS; see Diagram 1, p. 32) to select battery type and set the voltage range outside of which your APS will switch to battery power.
- Select-Battery_Type ~ . -
(DIP Switch #1, Group A) '
CALITION: The Banery Type DIP Switchsening must march rhe typeof banerirs you connecr or your hunerics may he degraded or damaged over an mended period of rime. See "Barrcry Selecrion." page 7 for more infomarion
B a t k u m ~ | . . |
&itch Posltlon | |
Gel Cell (Sealed) Battery | UP |
Wet Cell (Vented) Battery | Down* |
Select High AC Voltage SwitchTo Battery Point
. | , |
(DIP Switch #2. Group A) | |
YQ&Q | Switch Pos |
145V | UP |
135V | Down' |
Select Low AC Voltage SwitchTo Battery Point
(DIP Switches #4, Group A & #3, Group A)
#4 Up & #3 own | #4 Down & #3 Up | #4 Down |
| & #3 Down |
Most loads will perform adequately when your APS'sHigh AC Voltage Point DIP Switch #2 is set to 135Vand its Low AC Voltage Point DIP Switches #3and #4are set to 95V However.if your APS frequently switchesto batterypowerdue to momentaryhigMow linevoltage swings that would have little effect on equipment operation, you may wish to adjust these settings. By raisingthe High AC Voltage Switchto Battery pointand/or loweringthe LowAC Voltage Switchto Battery Point,you may reduce the number of times your APS switches to battery due to voltage swings.
Factory default wnings.