Installation (continued)
Basic Operations
Cascaded Protocol Interface Installations
The Port ID for computers on Protocol Interface cascaded installations is made up of three parts:
•The Station Number of the
•The Port Number on the
•The Port Number on the cascaded KVM switch that the computer is connected to.
For example, a computer attached to Port 8 of a KVM switch that is cascaded from Port 15 of a
Cascaded Physical Interface Installations
Under Physical Interface Expansion,
User Management and Security
•1 Super Administrator
•1 Administrator
•4 Users
On a single stage installation, four operators have simultaneous and independent control of 32 computers. In a
Note: 1. The Super Administrator can log in on a slave unit, but his authority only governs the segment he logs in on - just like that of an ordinary Administrator.
2.Operator profiles are different from actual operators. The
The Super Administrator has administrative power over the whole chain, he can assign and change pass- words and access rights for all operators on all segments (see SET USERNAME AND PASSWORD, p. 23, and SET ACCESSIBLE PORTS p. 24).
The Administrator’s power is limited to only that segment of the installation that the
Both Super Administrator and Administrator have full User rights. The four Users have no administrative rights. Depending on the permissions granted by the Super Administrator or Administrator, Users have varying degrees of control over the computers on the installation: Full Access; View Only; No Access. These rights are assigned on a
Operators (Super Administrator, Administrators, and Users) on the Master
The operators on Slave KVMs can only access computers on their segment. This includes any computers connected to KVM switches that are cascaded down from the