These parameter values, described in “Driver Parameter Values and Definitions” on page 26, are applicable to all SUNW,qfe devices on the system. See Table
Here's an example of setting parameters in a /etc/system file:
Setting the ipg1 and ipg2 Parameters in the /etc/system FileSetting the ipg1 and ipg2 Parameters in the /etc/system File
1.Become superuser.
2.Add the following lines to the /etc/system file:
set qfe:qfe_ipg1 = 10 set qfe:qfe_ipg2 = 5
3.Save the /etc/system file.
4.Save all files and exit all programs, exit the windowing system.
5.Reboot the system by typing init 6 at the superuser prompt.
Setting Parameters Using the qfe.conf File
You can also specify the properties described in the section, “Setting Parameters in the /etc/system File” on page 37,” on a
The man pages for prtconf (1M), system (4) and driver.conf (4) include additional details. The next section shows an example of setting parameters in a qfe.conf file.
38 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and User's Guide ♦ Revision A, August 1997