C H A P T E R 1
Getting Started
This chapter describes the information you will need to know before installing the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 operating system on a Sun Blade X6250 server module.
Note – This chapter contains important guidelines and information to help you in the installation process. Make sure to read the remainder of this chapter before beginning the Windows Server installation.
The following sections are included in this chapter:
■“About Windows Server Installation” on page 1
■“Important Installation Considerations” on page 2
■“Supported Windows Operating Systems” on page 4
■“Assisted Installation Using Sun Installation Assistant (SIA)” on page 4
■“Manual Installation” on page 5
About Windows Server Installation
To install the Windows operating system, the Sun Blade X6250 server module might use either an optional compact flash card (Windows Server 2003 only), an SSD (Solid State Drive), or internal SAS hard disk mass storage connected to a RAID Expansion Module (REM). When installing Windows Server 2003, except for compact flash and SSD, mass storage drivers are not included with the Windows Server 2003 distribution media. When installing Windows Server 2008, the required mass storage drivers are included with the Windows Server 2008 distribution media.