Documentation on CD
Documentation for the Sun Blade 2500 workstation is included on the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD
Note – ShowMe How video animations are located on the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD
Viewing ShowMe How Video Animations
If you launch Adobe Acrobat Reader from a web browser, the ShowMe How video animation links might not work correctly . You can use one of the alternate methods shown below.
Method 1
1.Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.
2.Open the Sun Blade 2500 Service, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting Manual directly from Acrobat Reader to access the multimedia links within the manual.
The Sun Blade 2500 Service, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting Manual PDF file is on the documentation CD at:
■/cdrom/cdrom0/Docs/ServiceManual/ (for Solaris)
■/sunblade2500_doc/Docs/ServiceManual/ (for other platforms)
Method 2
1.Click the ShowMe How tab on the documentation CD HTML pages.
2.Click on any of the links on that page to view the movies.
Chapter 3 Getting Started With the Additional Preinstalled Software 21