Management Information Bases
The community names for the Device MIB are generated by appending the desired device name to the appropriate base name. Consider the following rules when creating community names:
Community names should not be the prefix of a device name.
Write community names can be used for both reads and writes.
Call Directory MIB and Front Panel MIB both use the same communities as the Device MIB.
Community Name Example
To better understand the use of community names, consider the following example. Using community name settings as follows:
nmsAdminNmsReadCommunity = clear
nmsAdminNmsWriteCommunity = orange
nmsAdminBaseReadCommunity = teal
nmsAdminBaseWriteCommunity = pink
The community name for Get requests to the NMS MIB can be either ªclearº or ªorange.º The community name forSet requests to the NMS MIB must be ªorange.º
The Device MIB community name for Get requests to a device named ªmodem1º in the Device MIB would be either ªtealmodem1º or ªpinkmodem1.º The community name for Set requests to the device would be ªpinkmodem1.º
To access a Dial Backup Module (DBM) within a COMSPHERE 3600 Series DSU, the suffix ª.dbmº is appended to the device community name. For example, the DBM for a device named ªDSU5º would have a write community name of ªpinkDSU5.dbm.º