1.After a device is successfully added to the network by WPS function, the WPS LED will keep on for about 5 minutes and then turn off.
2.Pressing the Wireless On/Off button for two seconds will turn on/off the wireless radio. When the WIRELESS LED flashes, the wireless function has been enabled. When the WIRELESS LED is off, the wireless function has been disabled.
1.4.2The Rear Panel
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel sketch
The following parts are located on the rear panel (View from left to right).
¾POWER: The Power socket is where you will connect the power adapter. Please use the power adapter provided with this
¾WPS: If you have client devices, such as wireless adapters, that support
There are two ways to reset to the Router's factory defaults:
1)Use the Factory Defaults function on System Tools
2)Use the Factory Default Reset button: Press the Reset button for five seconds and then wait for the Router to reboot.
¾USB: The USB port connects to a USB storage device or a USB printer.
¾INTERNET: This port is where you will connect the DSL/cable Modem, or Ethernet.