Hardware connections:
1.DSL: Connect the DSL jack to the
2.Ethernet: Connect the clients to the Ethernet jacks:
(1).IP Phone to the Ethernet 1
(2).IP STB to the Ethernet 2
(3).PC to the Ethernet 3
IES-5000M (Main Chassis)
1.Install the MSC1000G in SLOT1.
2.Install the
Connect the UP1 port of the MSC1000G to the Port12 of the
1.Use a
2.Use the Port1 of the
1.Connect the PPPoE server (or BRAS) to the Port1 of the
2.Connect the VoIP (or SIP server) to the Port5 of the
3.Connect IPTV (or Multicast Server) to the Port7 of the
4.Connect Port12 of
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.