Kramer Electronics Vertical Interval, Protocol Used for VS-1211/1201xl Communication, Where

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14.7 Vertical Interval





The switcher is switching, but there

There is no vertical interval Sync source for switching. It should be available

are transitional effects when using

either on video input #1 or on an external genlocked source as a live video or a

genlocked sources. The picture

live black burst signal. Which one, will depend on certain jumper settings.

jumps and rolls, and the color is lost

Turn OFF the power switch, remove the power cable from the mains socket and

until the acceptor (a VCR, for

carefully remove the cover of the switcher. Carefully remove the audio board by

example) has readjusted itself to the

unscrewing the four upper board screws. The upper board can now be raised with

new color information.

ease. Find jumper J20 (also J34 in an interconnected configuration) and set up



the Sync source in accordance with "Jumpers, Their Uses and Set-up


Requirements" (see section 9.2).




The protocol used for communication between the PC and the Master VS-1211/1201xl is defined as follows:


































N7 is used for communication between the Slave and the Master only and is always 0 for communication with the PC.

N6N5N4 is the binary value of the Machine we are addressing minus one, e.g., if we wish to address the Master (Machine 1 by definition), then N6N5N4 = 000, if we wish to address Machine 6, then N6N5N4 = 101. N3N2N1N0 is the binary value of the input to be selected, i.e. N3N2N1N0 = 0111 is equivalent to pressing switch 7 on the front panel.

Several special codes are also valid:

N3N2N1N0 = 1101 requests that the Machine being addressed sends its present status to the PC, i.e. which input is selected on its front panel.

N3N2N1N0 = 1110 is an "OK" handshake, i.e. confirmation that the instruction was received by the addressed Machine. (If the addressed Machine is not present, then this confirmation is not sent to the PC).

Information sent from the Master to the PC is done using the same format, i.e.:


Machine Number -1

New Switch Status










The rate of data transfer is always 9600 baud, with no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.




Image 23
Contents Vertical Interval Switchers Table of Contents List of Tables List of IllustrationsUnbalanced Audio Family Word on Video/Audio SwitchersIntroduction Balanced Audio FamilyFactors Affecting Quality of Results Specifications HOW do I GET STARTED? Optional AccessoriesRS-232 Control Connector Wiring Kramer VS Series SwitchersVS-1011xlm/VS-1201xl Front/Rear Panel Features Getting to Know Your SwitcherInput Selector pushbuttons Table VS-1211/1201/1001xlm Rear Panel FeaturesFeature DIP SWITCHES, Jumpers and Trimmers InstallationConnecting to Video Devices Connecting to Audio DevicesJumpers, their Uses and Set-up Requirements Table DIP Switch Settings Switcher #DIP Switch # Figure Location of Internal Jumpers VS-1N/VS-1P System Controlling the SwitcherInternal Trimmers VS-2000 SystemPage Operating an Individual Switcher Connecting to a PCUsing the Switcher Powering on the SwitcherAdding Outputs Using the PC Control SoftwareSelecting an Input on the Switchers Using the VS-2000Adding Inputs Figure Connecting Two Switchers for adding More OutputsTroubleshooting Video Component and YC SwitchingTaking Care of Your Switcher Problem Remedy Power and IndicatorsVideo Signal Problem Remedy Audio SignalControl Switching MalfunctionsSoftware Several special codes are also valid Vertical IntervalProtocol Used for VS-1211/1201xl Communication WhereLimited Warranty Limitation of Implied Warranties 2900-002002 REV