Sybase manual Document ID DC32237-01-1500-03

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DOCUMENT ID: DC32237-01-1500-03

LAST REVISED: November 2006

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Sybase, Inc., One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568.

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Contents Replication Server Document ID DC32237-01-1500-03 Contents Contents About This Book Replication Server About This Book Finding the latest information on component certificationsViii Replication definitions, and subscriptions, are in italics One item in square brackets choose it or omit it Your area Xii Introduction Replication Server componentsSybase Software Asset Management Installation task overviewSybase Software Asset Management Before You Begin Using an unserved licenseHow SySAM works Using a network license server Setting up an unserved configurationSetting up a network license server LimitationsUsing multiple network license servers Setting up multiple network serversUsing three-server redundancy Setting up three-server redundancyUsing alternative license file locations Co-existing with earlier versions of SySAMUsing a central license server only for new licenses License usage and enforcement Managing licenses from multiple vendorsLicense availability and grace periods If a SySAM license cannot be acquired Acquiring SySAM licenses during the grace periodPre-installation tasks Read the release bulletinReview system requirements Pre-installation tasksPlan your replication system Review operating system patch requirementsIncrease operating system threads Understand the installation directory structure Configure the operating system for asynchronous I/OBefore You Begin Review the Sybase installation directory contents Set the required environment variable for dsedit utility Perform administrative tasks Creating the sybase user accountSySAM pre-installation tasks Choosing the appropriate license server configurationInstalling a new license server IBM AIXLaunch the Sybase installer program by entering $SYBASE/$SYBASESYSAM/bin b Enter A P T E R 2 Installing Replication Server Using InstallShield for installationUsing InstallShield for installation Installing Replication Server Installing Replication ServerLog out as root Log in as sybase HP-UX Installing Replication Server SySAM License Server window opens and displays this prompt Click Finish. The InstallShield wizard closes Installing in command line mode Installing with a response file Installing in console mode with a response file Installing in silent modeTroubleshooting installation Checking for a valid installationUninstalling Sybase products Uninstalling Sybase products A P T E R 3 Post-Installation Tasks Review the log filesStart Adaptive Server for the Rssd Start Adaptive Server for the RssdStart the sample Replication Server Post-Installation Tasks Set environment variablesSet environment variables Describes the environment variablesP E N D I X a SySAM Administration Managing licensesManaging licenses Using the options file to manage licenses Appendix a SySAM AdministrationStarting and stopping network license servers Starting and stopping network license serversHP-UX Borrowing a license to work offline Borrowing a license to work offlineConnect to the network Shut down Replication Server Enabling the network license server Reportlog file Using SAMreportEnabling the network license server Reportlog file SAMreport system requirements Using SAMreport Installing the Java Runtime EnvironmentInstalling SAMreport Samreport-36-hp700u11.bin -isjavahome JRE directory Post-installation tasks for SAMreport Starting and Stopping SAMreportUsing SySAM utilities Managing and collecting logsUsing SySAM utilities Index Index $SCROOT $SYBROOT $SYBASESYSAM $SYBASEUALog.txt file SYBASE.csh file file Index