CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
3Shut down the old license server and start the new license server.
4Copy any new licenses into this new directory.
Old and new Sybase software now use this license server.
Case 2: If you are using individual license servers for earlier versions of Replication Server, with each machine running earlier Sybase software hosting a local license server, Sybase recommends that you move to a single network license server model to migrate to Replication Server version 15.0.
❖Using a central license server only for new licenses
1Select the machine for the new network license server and install the SySAM network license server supplied with Replication Server version 15.0 on that machine.
2If this machine is already running an older license server, use the instructions in Case 1 to migrate the local licenses. All new licenses are now installed on this machine.
3Point the Replication Server version 15.0 installation to this license server. Use the lmpath utility (see “Using SySAM utilities” on page 55) to do this or edit license.dat and add these lines at the beginning of the file:
SERVER <network license server hostname> ANY <license server port>
❖Migrating old licenses to a new central license server
1Set up the new SySAM network license server using the instructions in “Setting up a network license server” on page 5.
2Collect licenses from all old local license servers to deploy to the new network license server.
aCreate a new license file that includes the contents of all individual licenses from each earlier local license server.
When you create the new license file, discard the license header from each file. The header is the first three lines that start with “SERVER,” “VENDOR,” and “USE_SERVER.”
bCreate one license header with the above three lines in the merged file to match the requirements on the new network license server and save this file as license.lic in the licenses directory.
Installation Guide for UNIX | 9 |