CHAPTER 1 Before You Begin
You can install Replication Server 15.0 on top of Replication Server 12.6, in the same $SYBASE directory. Installing 15.0 on top of Replication Server 12.6 will create a duplicate entry in the interfaces file for SAMPLE_RS, which is the sample Replication Server. rs_init will warn you about the duplicate entry and will use the first instance of SAMPLE_RS found in the interfaces file.
Warning! Do not install Replication Server version 15.0 on top of the following Sybase products:
•Replication Server version 12.5 or earlier
•Adaptive Server version 12.5.0.x or earlier
•Open Client/Server version 12.5.0 or earlier
•OpenSwitch version 12.5 or earlier
•DirectConnect™ version 12.5 or earlier
Doing so incapacitates older versions of these products, and can also adversely affect other Sybase products. If you perform one of these installations, you cannot reverse it with an uninstallation, as uninstalling might remove required components of the older Sybase products updated by Replication Server version 15.0. For this reason, Sybase recommends that you back up your current directory before installing Replication Server version 15.0.
Note If you are installing Replication Server 15.0 in an existing Sybase installation directory that contains Adaptive Server version 15.0, you may be asked if you wish to install older locales or charset files on top of newer files. To ensure that you have the latest version of these files select “No to all.”
Installation Guide for UNIX | 17 |