Start Adaptive Server for the RSSD
Start Adaptive Server for the RSSD
To use the RSSD stored on Adaptive Server Enterprise, install the Adaptive Server Enterprise database, if you have not done so already. For installation instructions, see the Adaptive Server Enterprise Installation Guide for your platform.
After successful installation, start Adaptive Server Enterprise. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Starting and Stopping Servers” in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Configuration Guide for your platform.
Note If you are upgrading to a later version of Adaptive Server Enterprise and you have replicated databases, read Appendix B, “Upgrading Servers with Replicated Databases,” in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Installation Guide for your platform.
Start the sample Replication Server
During installation, InstallShield asks if you want to configure and start a sample Replication Server. InstallShield creates a resource file,
To create and start the sample Replication Server after installation, at the command prompt, enter:
The rs_init utility displays commands as it executes them, and writes this output to its log.
If you encounter errors during configuration and
•mm – is the month.
•dd – is the day.
40 | Replication Server |