Powerful Solutions for Digital Plants
3 Downloading the firmware
To begin installation of the
Next, copy the eight files from the diskette provided. Those files are:
IO_Compatibility.csv AllenBradleyApp.sdf AllenBradleyApp.hex SerBoot.hex SerReleaseApp.hex StandardModbusApp.sdf
Once the files have been copied to the appropriate folder, the process of downloading the driver can begin:
1.Start the “Controller Upgrade Utility” from the DeltaV/Installation menu
2.Select “Upgrade I/O Modules” and engage the “Next” button
3.From the controller list select the controller to which the serial card is attached and enter the “Next” button
4.Find the list of I/O cards connected to the selected controller. At the bottom of the screen there is an upgrade file path displayed. Enter the “Browse” button and browse to the directory containing the
5.Select the Serial Card or Prog Serial Card to be upgraded
6.If the user chooses a standard Serial Card to be upgraded then the card will automatically be upgraded as soon as the “Next” button is entered. If the user chooses a Prog Serial Card, the user will be prompted for the SDF file to use. Browse to and select the proper SDF file. Press the “Open” button followed the “Next” button to start the upgrade process
7.The Flash Upgrade process should start and the progress will be displayed in the progress window. An upgrade complete message will be displayed upon completion of the upgrade.
8.If a standard Serial Card was used for this installation, delete the Serial Card in DeltaV Explorer and
MYNAH Technologies 504 Trade Center Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 Telephone 636